Sunday, May 25, 2008

Final travel before classes - homestays and horses

Hi! The class is in UlaanBataar, Mongolia for the evening. Tomorrow morning they will head back out to the countryside for the final portion of their traveling before classes start next Monday.

The students will be doing group home stays arranged by Ger-to-Ger. Ger-to-Ger is a USAID supported community based eco-tourism country that provides alternative revenue to families that want to continue herding but need a financial safety net. Because the students will be staying in the families ger, they will be traveling in groups of 4. Their schedules are below. You can read more about Ger-to-Ger at The students will be back in UlaanBataar on the 29th and will have the weekend to settle into their apartment before classes start.

Micheal, Emily, Allie and Melissa will be "Questing for the Last Emperor"

Day 1

Camel and horse riding to locally worshipped Khadagt Khoshuu: In the morning at 8am you will depart from UB by jeep for 280kms to Khugnu-Tarni National Park and you will arrive at Mr. Byambatogtoh's nomadic family around 2pm. Upon arrival you will be served tea and a lunch. Afterward, Mr. Byambatogtoh and his sons will guide you to the locally worshipped site of Khadagt Hoshuu for 10.5kms. When you arrive you will dismount from your camels or horses and participate with the herders in paying respect, according to customs, to Khadagt Hoshuu. When you are finished you will return back to the family’s nomadic ger and have an evening dinner wit the family before you retire for the evening.

Day 2

Travel with ox cart to the human statue of Ar Bulan: After breakfast, you will continue your journey to next family by camel or horse for 3 kilometers. When you arrive at Mr. Bumayush he will serve you a nomadic lunch and tea. Afterwards, you will travel by ox cart for 6kms to the ancient human statue which is located in Ar Bulan; the head of human statue broke and disappeared. Later you will return back to the family’s ger and have a dinner with the family and overnight in the family's extra ger.

Day 3

Worshipping Bugdiin Ovoo: After breakfast, you will continue your trip by horse for 7kms to the next family. When you arrive at Mr. Otgon he will serve you a nomadic lunch with tea.Afterwards he will guide you to Bugdiin Ovoo by ox cart - 12km round trip. This ovoo's worship ceremony originates from Mongolia’s shamanism pratices of worshiping nature. An ovoo is a prymid shaped collection of stones, bones, woods and silk scarves, placed on the top of the hill or mountain. Ovoos are sacred and whenever you go by an ovoo you should walk around it three times to pray and make a wish. In the early evening you will return to the family for an evening dinner and retire in their extra ger.

Yelena, Evan, Amber and Molly will become nomads on the "Nomadic Lifestyle" route.

Day 1

Learn the methods of saddling a horse and preparing ox cart: Our local guide will receive you at last bus stop of Terelj Protected Area. Then you will travel by ox cart or horseback to his home that is located 3 kilometers to the north of Terelj River. Upon arrival you will have a nomadic lunch and tea at with the family. Mr. Chuluunhuu will show you how to saddle a horse and prepare ox cart to which you will have time to practice for yourself afterwards. Later in the evening you will have nomadic dinner with the family and have lots of fun playing traditional Mongolian games like the ‘ankle bone game’ which is called ‘Shagai’ with family.

Day 2

Learn the methods of tying bridle and how to make patterns for national dress: After breakfast, you will start your horse ride to the next family that is 24kims away with the local nomadic guide. Upon arrival, in the late afternoon, at Ms. Amarjargal’s family, you will have a nomadic lunch and tea. Ms. Amarjargal will show you how to tie a bridle and how to make pattern designs for national dress; she is really talented at sewing. Afterwards, you will have a nomadic dinner and even tea with the family.

Day 3

Learn the methods of tethering animals and making traditional knots used for dress: After breakfast, you will continue your travel for 9kms to the next family with local nomadic. Upon arrival at Mr. Bold’s family, you have a nomadic lunch and tea with the family. He will show you the methods of how to properly tether livestock as well as how to make a button by cotton or silk for a national dress. Afterwards you will have a nomadic dinner and tea with the family before retiring for the evening.

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