Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 5th of July

happy belated birthday america!

today to celebrate the day after the 4th (aka the 5th) we attended a party coordinated by the U.S. embassy. the place was at this apt complex where i suppose all the american ambassidors, important people, etc live. it seriously looked like they took a condo development in tampa florida and moved it to the center of UB -- a bit ridiculous.

they had patriotic music, imported american picnic food, milkshakes for a dollar (melissa was all over that one), everything necessary for a 5th of july celebration (minus the fireworks -- probably not allowed during the current state of emergency anyway...). we were actually a little overwhelmed being surrounded by that many americans... it was like a preview of the reverse culture shock to come.

we also entered a tug-o-war contest -- 5 people to a team. it was me, allie, emily, yelena, and molly. the last thing i said before we started the contest was "let's just not embarass ourselves" sadly enough, we weren't able to accomplish that. we were decimated by a team that consisted of 1 girl, 3 men, and a massive beast who tied the rope around his waist. we didn't stand a chance.

even if we would've won, it would've just delayed an inevitable defeat by the unstoppable force of the "storming mormons." it seemed like they had been practicing for weeks to prepare for this small little contest. they had the perfect tug-o-war technique, and matching short-sleeved white button-down and black khaki uniforms. i wasn't impressed.

anyway, hope you guys lived it up in the states -- not going to lie, the 4th of july made me miss the pirates games tailgates. later

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